When you receive a marketing email, you may notice that sometimes images do not display when you open the email. This can be quite frustrating for both the sender and the recipient. There are several reasons why this might happen:
- Privacy Settings: Many email clients have privacy settings that block images by default. This is a security measure to prevent the automatic loading of images that could contain harmful content.
- Slow Loading: Sometimes, images in emails may not display because of slow internet connections. Keeping your image file sizes small (we recommend under 1MB) can be important to ensure your contacts are more likely to see your images.
- HTML vs. Text Emails: Some email clients are set to display emails in text-only format rather than HTML. In such cases, images will not display because text-only emails do not support image rendering.
- Recipient Settings: Recipients can also choose to disable image loading in their email client settings. This could be due to personal preference or a company/security program default.
It is essential to consider these factors when designing your email campaigns. To ensure that your images display correctly, you can:
- Reduce the size of your images if their original size is much bigger than the display size in the email. If you have a 2000 pixel wide image file that is displaying at 600 pixels wide, you just have an artificially inflated load time. Size the image down to closer to the display size.
- If you are putting in a design built elsewhere that has text in the image, consider cropping the image and have the text as "live" text using a Paragraph content block.
- Include alt text for your images so that even if they do not load, recipients can understand the content of the image.
- Provide a good balance of text and images in your emails to convey your message effectively even if images are not displayed. (We recommend 60% live text, 40% images)
- Encourage recipients to add your email address to their safe senders list to improve deliverability and image display.
By understanding the reasons why images may not display in marketing emails and taking proactive steps to address these issues, you can enhance the effectiveness of your email campaigns and improve the overall user experience for your recipients.
Of course, if you have any questions or believe the issue is technical in nature, feel free to reach out to our team at support@rezora.com and we'd be happy to take a look!