At rezora we understand that your data and contacts are the lifeblood of your business. We take many steps to make sure your account is kept secure and ensure that data from your account is shared with only you as the account owner. There are also many steps you can take yourself to make your account more secure:
Be wary of phishing attacks:
- Be careful when clicking links asking you to login, as a phishing attack may share a link with you asking you to login, or change information -- in fact, this site where you are "logging in" could be a site setup to steal your information. For logging into rezora, we recommend bookmarking and logging in from here:
Don't share your One Time Password with anyone!
- Yes that includes rezora. We will *NEVER* ask you for your One Time Password verification code, regardless of the source (Email, Text, or Authenticator app). If you ever encounter someone claiming to be with rezora asking for your password, please report it to us at right away.
- If you need to give your marketer access to your account, instead of giving them your verification code, consider enabling the 'allow marketer access' option within your account: How to give my marketer access to my account.